Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back still aches

Okay I'm getting pretty sick of this computer chair my back it starting to really ache. How can a computer chair be so uncomfortable? I'd rather sit in a normal one! Boo to the people who created the chair that I am sitting on right now! :p Well besides the pain I think I'm pretty good.

Oh yeah like Haley I'm making lists like her for books needing to be read. I plan on reading all four books in the twilight series when I get them. Then I want to read every book in the Clique series. It's pretty entertaining reading about how snobby girls fight with eachother. And they are like hella rich! Excuse my language. Also, I plan on reading the last book of His Dark Materials series, but The Golden Compass is a book that supports atheisism, which I don't believe in by the why, or evolution or any of that crap. If I am being very offensive I'm sorry... I'm just telling you my opinion it's not like you have to believe it. I hope this blog hasn't made you not want to read anything of mine anymore.

1 comment:

Haligee and Miya said...

The Golden Compass supports atheism =O