Saturday, August 30, 2008

Drove a quad off a cliff

Now I have a 1 1/2 inch gash on my knee and I'm limping! Grrr... I can't believe this and right before school starts. My friends hope I get better. It was my first time riding a quad and I happened to drive off a cliff, and crashed the quad. They were able to pull it out though. My knee is doing okay mom wants it to be looked at by a doctor, but I think it will be okay by then.

Other things:
On howrse I helped my cousin Karissa create an account she's clueless, I'm helping her. Haley be sure to give her some tips. And for howrse members message her at Karissa9. Okays talk to ya later.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Going out of state...

Okay today I had to pack for tonight. We're leaving for Canerra, California hahaha jk, I just made that up. Anyways I won't be on for a few nights.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yay I got my bookie :)

Okays yesterday I got a book called warriors Forest of Secrets... I'm really happy that I got it :D I'm going to read very very soon, hehe. It's about Bluestar and what happened to her kits I think oakheart to them. If you've never read Warriors before you probably didn't get that last part haha! Well for everyone that reads my blog thanks and bye. :)

Miya out

Monday, August 25, 2008

I just watched the saddest movie of my life...

I watched such a sad movie, it made me burst into tears. The movie was called an american crime... with Ellen Page in it. Ellen Page did an outstanding job, but it hurt to see her act like that. She was in so much pain, (the character she was playing.) It really makes you wonder how anyone could do that to somebody! That movie I'm not sure if I ever want to see it again, because of how sad it was. If anyone says Ellen Page is a bad actress, then that's your opinion. Honestly, I wish that one day I could meet her in person, but that's never going to happen. I just want to be like her when I grow up, famous and pretty.

Short skirt and a longggggg Jacket hahaha

Okay's today I'm wearing a shirt skirt with leggings duh! My mom says with skirts you don't have to wear leggings with it in the summer time, but I do anyways, because I don't want to feel bad. Grrr... my ponies aren't sleeping well tonight! Well anyways I judged last night at like 10:30pm and stayed up till 12:00am and woke up at 9am.... I'm not tired, but kinda. Well I might be going to my uncles today. They have a huge pool hehe, there might be a big SPLASH!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

2012 Olympics in London! :D

I can't believe we have to wait another 4 years for the next olympics grrr.... Well anyways the Winter Olympics are coming up so I guess that's fine. In four years I would be going into my senior year yay haha.

New clothes YAY

Okays last night my mom bought me the cutest outfit! A black polka dotted professional looking shirt, that looks sexy hehe, but professional. Then she got me a $75 bathing suit/top. It was B-e-a-utiful. It was white and cute not proffesional and sexy :p Well anyways the clothes made me 200% happier hehe. Cause do you know what my favorite color is, the one that looks best on me. Hahahahaha Well bye for now.

Miya out

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well I'm very hungry at the moment as you can see :p... I want fettichini alfredo at the moment, that sounds delicous, but to bad I'm such a health nut hehe. Peanut butter is high and protien with whole grain bread, even though there not bad you get sick of them. Oh and I eat bakers chocolate when I want a sweet. Hahahaha I know I'm different, but isn't everybody. If we were all robots what would happen? Well gotta go!

Miya out...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Carnival/Fair maybe :D!

A bunch of my friends are suppose to go to the fair tonight and I hope I can to. It will be so awesome if I can go. Hehe, well gotta go! Oh yoga is pretty hard... Haligee sent me a link XD Oh that reminds me Haligee still had to beat Zelda: Ocarina of Time hahaha she is special!

Judging Daily flash fiction tonight at WDC

Okay for the rest of the month I'll be judging this writing contest called the Daily Flash Fiction Challenge on WDC( I'm not sure what the prompt is... Anyways I haven't talked to my dad in a week. Wow hahaha, they've been telling me to call him, but I don't respond. Also, I can't wait for school! It's just you get really bored in the summer if you don't see your friends very much. Like it's very odd if you have guy friends come over to your house. That actually happened one time :D... I was half asleep, and we had breakfast together. Ackward! Well this summer has been okay the first half was WAY better, but I'm okay.

Miya out

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Flight Path Day 2

Okay everybody, flight Path was even better this time. I got to hang out with Xavier and Alisha my best friends in the whole wide world hehe. We were having odd conversations about Kevin eating dog food, but it was great to be back. Ever since school got out I've been hoping time could go faster so I could see my friends. Well 13 days till the first day of school. Yay, I can't wait!

Miya out

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back still aches

Okay I'm getting pretty sick of this computer chair my back it starting to really ache. How can a computer chair be so uncomfortable? I'd rather sit in a normal one! Boo to the people who created the chair that I am sitting on right now! :p Well besides the pain I think I'm pretty good.

Oh yeah like Haley I'm making lists like her for books needing to be read. I plan on reading all four books in the twilight series when I get them. Then I want to read every book in the Clique series. It's pretty entertaining reading about how snobby girls fight with eachother. And they are like hella rich! Excuse my language. Also, I plan on reading the last book of His Dark Materials series, but The Golden Compass is a book that supports atheisism, which I don't believe in by the why, or evolution or any of that crap. If I am being very offensive I'm sorry... I'm just telling you my opinion it's not like you have to believe it. I hope this blog hasn't made you not want to read anything of mine anymore.

YAY blog

Okays I didn't know you could make another Blog, haligee did it. Thank you very much :D! Ummm I've been playing on howrse too and my back still aches go to my website or email us.

Miya Out!

Hello Again!

Miya here's your bloggy hehe